GB TO KB CONVERTER ONLINE | Let's learn how to convert GB to MB (GIGABYTES TO KILOBYTES) by free online tool converter in 2024
Are you confused about converting gigabytes (GB) to kilobytes (KB) 1 GB to KB, 2 GB to KB,1.4GB to KB...Etc? Don't worry, you're not alone. This is a common question, and there is a simple answer.
= KB(in Decimal)
= KB(in Binary)
This website can convert GB to KB and vice versa. Just enter the desired value and automatically convert all the given gigabytes values into kilobytes instantly without clicking a button.
are two types of data measurements: digital and analog. When dealing
with digital data, the most common units of measurement are bits and bytes. One
byte is equal to eight bits, and a kilobyte is equal to 1,024 bytes. So, one
kilobyte is actually equal to 1,024 bits.
course, there are other factors to consider when converting data, such
as bandwidth and data compression. But if you're just looking to convert GB to
KB, then this method should work fine.
are many free online tools that can help you with this conversion, so be
sure to check them out if you need any help.
KB or
kilobytes is a unit of measurement for file size. It is often used
interchangeably with the term “byte.” A kilobyte is 1024 bytes, or 2^10,
which equals 1,024. So, 1 GB would be 1,024 times bigger than 1 KB.
When it
comes to data storage, there are two main units of measurement:
gigabytes (GB) and kilobytes (KB). So, what's the difference between
the two, and how do you convert from GB to KB?
put, a gigabyte is 1,000,000 times larger than a kilobyte. In other words, 1GB
equals 1,000,000 KB (in decimal),1 GB =
1,048,576 KB (in binary).
convert from GB to KB, you just need to multiply the number of GB by 1,000,000.
KB=GBx1000000 in Decimal
KB=GBx1048576 in Binary
For Example –
1 gigabyte (GB) = 1,000 megabytes (MB)
1 megabyte (MB) = 1,000 kilobytes (KB)
Therefore, 1 GB = 1,000,000 KB
example, let's say you have 2GB of data. To convert this to KB, you
would multiply by 1,000,000, which equals 2000000KB.
to convert from KB to GB, you would divide the number of KB by 1,000,000. So,
if you have 4000000KB of data that would be equal to 4GB.
Keep in
mind that these conversions are only Estimates. The actual size of your data
may vary depending on the file type and other factors. Hope this helps!
convert GB to KB:
1. Type
the number of GB you want to convert in the textbox labeled "GB".
Click the "Convert" button.
number of KB will be displayed in the textbox labeled "KB".
gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes. A kilobyte is 1,024 bytes. GB and KB are important
in computing because they are used to measure the size of files and the amount
of storage space a computer has.
and kilobytes are units of measurement for digital information. A gigabyte is
equal to one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes, while a kilobyte is equal to one
thousand (1,000) bytes.
When it
comes to data storage, one of the most common units of measurement is the
gigabyte. But what exactly is a gigabyte, and how can you convert it to other
units like the kilobyte?
order to understand gigabytes, it's important to first understand the byte. A
byte is a unit of digital information that consists of eight bits.
One bit
can store a 0 or a 1, so a byte can store a total of 256
different combinations. This might not seem like much, but when you
consider that each byte can represent a character of text, it starts to add up.
kilobyte is simply 1,000 bytes, so it's easy to see how a gigabyte could be
1,000 times larger than a kilobyte. To be precise, a gigabyte is actually
1,073,741,824 bytes. That's a lot of information!
convert gigabytes to kilobytes, simply divide the number of gigabytes by 1,000.
So, if you have 2 gigabytes of data, that would be the same as 2000000
Keep in
mind that the size of a gigabyte can vary depending on the type of data you're
dealing with. For example, a gigabyte of text takes up less space than a
gigabyte of video. This is because video files are generally much larger
than text files.
this article has helped you to better understand the gigabyte. Now you know how
to convert gigabytes to kilobytes, and you understand the difference between
the two units of measurement.
GB |
KB in Decimal |
KB in Binary |
1 |
1000000 |
1048576 |
2 |
2000000 |
2097152 |
3 |
3000000 |
3145728 |
4 |
4000000 |
4194304 |
5 |
5000000 |
5242880 |
6 |
6000000 |
6291456 |
7 |
7000000 |
7340032 |
8 |
8000000 |
8388608 |
9 |
9000000 |
9437184 |
10 |
10000000 |
10485760 |
11 |
11000000 |
11534336 |
12 |
12000000 |
12582912 |
13 |
13000000 |
13631488 |
14 |
14000000 |
14680064 |
15 |
15000000 |
15728640 |
16 |
16000000 |
16777216 |
17 |
17000000 |
17825792 |
18 |
18000000 |
18874368 |
19 |
19000000 |
19922944 |
20 |
20000000 |
20971520 |
21 |
21000000 |
22020096 |
22 |
22000000 |
23068672 |
23 |
23000000 |
24117248 |
24 |
24000000 |
25165824 |
25 |
25000000 |
26214400 |
26 |
26000000 |
27262976 |
27 |
27000000 |
28311552 |
28 |
28000000 |
29360128 |
29 |
29000000 |
30408704 |
30 |
30000000 |
31457280 |
31 |
31000000 |
32505856 |
32 |
32000000 |
33554432 |
33 |
33000000 |
34603008 |
34 |
34000000 |
35651584 |
35 |
35000000 |
36700160 |
36 |
36000000 |
37748736 |
37 |
37000000 |
38797312 |
38 |
38000000 |
39845888 |
39 |
39000000 |
40894464 |
40 |
40000000 |
41943040 |
41 |
41000000 |
42991616 |
42 |
42000000 |
44040192 |
43 |
43000000 |
45088768 |
44 |
44000000 |
46137344 |
45 |
45000000 |
47185920 |
46 |
46000000 |
48234496 |
47 |
47000000 |
49283072 |
48 |
48000000 |
50331648 |
49 |
49000000 |
51380224 |
50 |
50000000 |
52428800 |
51 |
51000000 |
53477376 |
52 |
52000000 |
54525952 |
53 |
53000000 |
55574528 |
54 |
54000000 |
56623104 |
55 |
55000000 |
57671680 |
56 |
56000000 |
58720256 |
57 |
57000000 |
59768832 |
58 |
58000000 |
60817408 |
59 |
59000000 |
61865984 |
60 |
60000000 |
62914560 |
61 |
61000000 |
63963136 |
62 |
62000000 |
65011712 |
63 |
63000000 |
66060288 |
64 |
64000000 |
67108864 |
65 |
65000000 |
68157440 |
66 |
66000000 |
69206016 |
67 |
67000000 |
70254592 |
68 |
68000000 |
71303168 |
69 |
69000000 |
72351744 |
70 |
70000000 |
73400320 |
71 |
71000000 |
74448896 |
72 |
72000000 |
75497472 |
73 |
73000000 |
76546048 |
74 |
74000000 |
77594624 |
75 |
75000000 |
78643200 |
76 |
76000000 |
79691776 |
77 |
77000000 |
80740352 |
78 |
78000000 |
81788928 |
79 |
79000000 |
82837504 |
80 |
80000000 |
83886080 |
81 |
81000000 |
84934656 |
82 |
82000000 |
85983232 |
83 |
83000000 |
87031808 |
84 |
84000000 |
88080384 |
85 |
85000000 |
89128960 |
86 |
86000000 |
90177536 |
87 |
87000000 |
91226112 |
88 |
88000000 |
92274688 |
89 |
89000000 |
93323264 |
90 |
90000000 |
94371840 |
91 |
91000000 |
95420416 |
92 |
92000000 |
96468992 |
93 |
93000000 |
97517568 |
94 |
94000000 |
98566144 |
95 |
95000000 |
99614720 |
96 |
96000000 |
100663296 |
97 |
97000000 |
101711872 |
98 |
98000000 |
102760448 |
99 |
99000000 |
103809024 |
100 |
100000000 |
104857600 |
101 |
101000000 |
105906176 |
102 |
102000000 |
106954752 |
103 |
103000000 |
108003328 |
104 |
104000000 |
109051904 |
105 |
105000000 |
110100480 |
106 |
106000000 |
111149056 |
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107000000 |
112197632 |
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108000000 |
113246208 |
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109000000 |
114294784 |
110 |
110000000 |
115343360 |
111 |
111000000 |
116391936 |
112 |
112000000 |
117440512 |
113 |
113000000 |
118489088 |
114 |
114000000 |
119537664 |
115 |
115000000 |
120586240 |
116 |
116000000 |
121634816 |
117 |
117000000 |
122683392 |
118 |
118000000 |
123731968 |
119 |
119000000 |
124780544 |
120 |
120000000 |
125829120 |
121 |
121000000 |
126877696 |
122 |
122000000 |
127926272 |
123 |
123000000 |
128974848 |
124 |
124000000 |
130023424 |
125 |
125000000 |
131072000 |
126 |
126000000 |
132120576 |
127 |
127000000 |
133169152 |
128 |
128000000 |
134217728 |
129 |
129000000 |
135266304 |
130 |
130000000 |
136314880 |
131 |
131000000 |
137363456 |
132 |
132000000 |
138412032 |
133 |
133000000 |
139460608 |
134 |
134000000 |
140509184 |
135 |
135000000 |
141557760 |
136 |
136000000 |
142606336 |
137 |
137000000 |
143654912 |
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138000000 |
144703488 |
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139000000 |
145752064 |
140 |
140000000 |
146800640 |
141 |
141000000 |
147849216 |
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142000000 |
148897792 |
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143000000 |
149946368 |
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144000000 |
150994944 |
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145000000 |
152043520 |
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146000000 |
153092096 |
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147000000 |
154140672 |
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148000000 |
155189248 |
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149000000 |
156237824 |
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150000000 |
157286400 |
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151000000 |
158334976 |
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152000000 |
159383552 |
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153000000 |
160432128 |
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154000000 |
161480704 |
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155000000 |
162529280 |
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156000000 |
163577856 |
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157000000 |
164626432 |
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158000000 |
165675008 |
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159000000 |
166723584 |
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160000000 |
167772160 |
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161000000 |
168820736 |
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162000000 |
169869312 |
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163000000 |
170917888 |
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164000000 |
171966464 |
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165000000 |
173015040 |
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166000000 |
174063616 |
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167000000 |
175112192 |
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168000000 |
176160768 |
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169000000 |
177209344 |
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170000000 |
178257920 |
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171000000 |
179306496 |
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172000000 |
180355072 |
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173000000 |
181403648 |
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174000000 |
182452224 |
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175000000 |
183500800 |
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176000000 |
184549376 |
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177000000 |
185597952 |
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178000000 |
186646528 |
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179000000 |
187695104 |
180 |
180000000 |
188743680 |
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181000000 |
189792256 |
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182000000 |
190840832 |
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183000000 |
191889408 |
184 |
184000000 |
192937984 |
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185000000 |
193986560 |
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186000000 |
195035136 |
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187000000 |
196083712 |
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188000000 |
197132288 |
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189000000 |
198180864 |
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190000000 |
199229440 |
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191000000 |
200278016 |
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192000000 |
201326592 |
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193000000 |
202375168 |
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194000000 |
203423744 |
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195000000 |
204472320 |
196 |
196000000 |
205520896 |
197 |
197000000 |
206569472 |
198 |
198000000 |
207618048 |
199 |
199000000 |
208666624 |
200 |
200000000 |
209715200 |
201 |
201000000 |
210763776 |
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202000000 |
211812352 |
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203000000 |
212860928 |
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204000000 |
213909504 |
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205000000 |
214958080 |
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206000000 |
216006656 |
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207000000 |
217055232 |
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208000000 |
218103808 |
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209000000 |
219152384 |
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210000000 |
220200960 |
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211000000 |
221249536 |
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212000000 |
222298112 |
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213000000 |
223346688 |
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214000000 |
224395264 |
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215000000 |
225443840 |
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216000000 |
226492416 |
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217000000 |
227540992 |
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218000000 |
228589568 |
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219000000 |
229638144 |
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220000000 |
230686720 |
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221000000 |
231735296 |
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222000000 |
232783872 |
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223000000 |
233832448 |
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224000000 |
234881024 |
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225000000 |
235929600 |
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226000000 |
236978176 |
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227000000 |
238026752 |
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228000000 |
239075328 |
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229000000 |
240123904 |
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230000000 |
241172480 |
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231000000 |
242221056 |
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232000000 |
243269632 |
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233000000 |
244318208 |
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245366784 |
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246415360 |
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247463936 |
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237000000 |
248512512 |
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238000000 |
249561088 |
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250609664 |
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240000000 |
251658240 |
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241000000 |
252706816 |
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242000000 |
253755392 |
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243000000 |
254803968 |
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244000000 |
255852544 |
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256901120 |
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246000000 |
257949696 |
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258998272 |
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260046848 |
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261095424 |
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262144000 |
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263192576 |
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264241152 |
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265289728 |
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266338304 |
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267386880 |
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268435456 |
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269484032 |
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270532608 |
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271581184 |
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272629760 |
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273678336 |
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274726912 |
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263000000 |
275775488 |
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264000000 |
276824064 |
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277872640 |
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266000000 |
278921216 |
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267000000 |
279969792 |
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281018368 |
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282066944 |
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270000000 |
283115520 |
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284164096 |
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285212672 |
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286261248 |
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287309824 |
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288358400 |
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289406976 |
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290455552 |
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291504128 |
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292552704 |
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293601280 |
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294649856 |
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295698432 |
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296747008 |
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297795584 |
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298844160 |
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299892736 |
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300941312 |
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301989888 |
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303038464 |
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304087040 |
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305135616 |
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306184192 |
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307232768 |
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308281344 |
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309329920 |
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310378496 |
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311427072 |
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312475648 |
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313524224 |
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300000000 |
314572800 |
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315621376 |
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316669952 |
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317718528 |
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318767104 |
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319815680 |
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320864256 |
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322961408 |
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326107136 |
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328204288 |
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339738624 |
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344981504 |
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354418688 |
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355467264 |
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356515840 |
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357564416 |
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360710144 |
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399507456 |
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401604608 |
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405798912 |
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406847488 |
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407896064 |
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411041792 |
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412090368 |
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413138944 |
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416284672 |
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418381824 |
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420478976 |
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422576128 |
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423624704 |
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424673280 |
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425721856 |
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426770432 |
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427819008 |
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428867584 |
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429916160 |
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430964736 |
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432013312 |
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433061888 |
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434110464 |
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435159040 |
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436207616 |
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437256192 |
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439353344 |
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451936256 |
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452984832 |
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